Home » Asia » Exploring Vietnam » Budget Travel Vietnam: $20 a day!


  1. Jacqui Hudson
    April 10, 2015 @ 5:10 am

    Hi thanks for this very informative post. Just 2 questions:
    What were you means of transport between the different towns and cities and did all that get included in your CAD$58 ?
    Secondly, how did you book your accommodation – in advance via the internet or did you just find a place as and when you got to each town?
    Thank you in advance!


    • IFOTC
      April 11, 2015 @ 12:08 am

      Hi Jacqui,
      Thanks for reading. If you click on each city it will say how we arrived there (from where, what mode of transportation, and how much it cost). We took trains, buses, and taxis. All of it is included in the $58.
      Sometimes we booked hotels ahead (usually through Agoda – http://www.agoda.com/?cid=1644586 ), but a lot of the time we wrote down 2 or 3 options that we researched on the internet and just showed up. Usually, we got our first option, but sometimes it would be fully booked, or the hotel wasn’t to our liking, so we went to the next place on our list.
      Good luck with it all!


  2. Razia
    May 3, 2015 @ 9:46 am

    Your article is so interesting and informative. I plan to travel (solo woman of 63yrs) sometime next year to Vietnam and Cambodia. This October I travel to Lao and Chaing Mai. All of these travels I will be doing on very low budget hence your breakdown on how your came to that figure is most helpful and proves to me how affordable it can be. I am saving this page for future reference. Any chance you can tell me anything that could help me with my travels to Lao. I fly from Cape Town to Bangkok then to bus or train to Chaing Mai after a few days off to Chaing Rai and Chaing Saen for a few days then to Lao I guess by boat. Please help. I don’t do motor bikes or bicycles so have to go with boats, taxis, buses and trains, any suggestions?


  3. Razia
    May 3, 2015 @ 9:47 am

    Also what time of the year is it best to travel to Vietnam and Cambodia?


    • IFOTC
      May 4, 2015 @ 12:06 pm

      I would say February, but it all depends on where you are and what kind of weather you like. Hanoi is chilly in January — you’d probably need a coat or sweater. May to December can be a bit rainy, but usually only in the afternoon for short periods of time. If it’s possible, I would probably avoid the southern islands around July and August as that’s the peak of the monsoon season.


      • Razia
        May 4, 2015 @ 12:25 pm

        Many thanks for your speedy response. I most certainly prefer the warmer weather, So I take it that in one month I could do both Vietnam and Cambodia and hopefully warm weather in both places. February is usually not a good month for me with too many responsibilities on the home front, hence I will have to look at March / April.
        My other question – Is it safe a 63 years of age woman travelling to these countries Solo and staying at backpackers????


  4. Katarina
    May 4, 2016 @ 4:37 am

    Hi, unfortunately the link to your food guide does not work, is there any other way to download it? Thanks!


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