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Vietnam Articles

After living in Vietnam for 2 years, I’ve experienced it’s long beaches, it’s fresh mountain-tops, and the unforgettable vibe that resonates through you as you traverse the country’s markets and other public spaces. These articles cover my experiences while living and traveling Vietnam. Some of them were written to be funny. Some of them are more informative. Some – I probably just wrote because I was interested in the topic and I was going to do the research anyways.

If you are planning at trip to Vietnam, this website has a ton of information. Be sure to check out my Vietnam Budget Travel Guide – $20/day, and if you are interested in the incredible food – I have a guide that took me 2 years to put together. It has over 75 dishes in it with original photos, information, and a food-dictionary that will help you decipher Vietnamese menus. Food-Lover’s Guide to Vietnamese Food.